Ads Fly



Frequently Asked Questions

Which websites and pages can I run Ads for?

Only approved and registered domains, websites, landing pages, and pages can run ads. You can register new websites and pages later.

What type of account is this?

This is an Invoice issued by Facebook to an agency, this type of account does not use a card.

Why deposit $200?

This is the amount to ensure that during the running process, the customer complies with the regulations of AdsFlyAgency as well as Facebook policies. This amount will be refunded immediately after the end of the contract. In case the customer intentionally violates, the Ads Account will be disabled. AdsFlyAgency will support the resistance, otherwise the deposit will be deducted.

How is the $100 account opening fee calculated?

This is a mandatory fee when opening a new account. This fee will not be refunded after the contract ends.

What happens if the account is dead not due to policy violation?

In case the account is dead not due to policy violation, not due to customer's fault, Ads Fly will first complain to the account, otherwise, it will issue a new account and transfer all the money in the old account to the new account. There will be no cost to the customer.

What is the USD exchange rate?

Will fluctuate around ± 2%

Deposit $200 for 1 account or 5 accounts?

For each account opening, the deposit will be $200, customers opening 1 account or 3 accounts or 5 accounts will deposit $500.